Kangaroo Paw

      Another beautiful summer flower, which is famous for its amazing ability to attract birds and all sorts of insects, goes by the name of Kangaroo paw, a flower that we usually find in Australia, especially in the lower western part of the continent.

      The name of Kangaroo paw is used to refer to two different species belonging to the Haemodoraceae family, the Anigozanthos genus and the Macropidia genus. Each genus comprises of species that although differentiated in classification, bear resembling characteristics.

      Amongst the similar characteristics shared by the species of both the Anigozanthos and the Macropidia genera we can enumerate the flowers which are covered with dense hairs, the fact that they are all perennial and that they produce flowers imitating the shape of a paw with six claws. The structure of the flower well justifies the name of the flower, Kangaroo paw and this unique shape has made this flower internationally popular amongst florists and flower enthusiasts.

      The Anigozanthos genus shelters under its classification around 8 beautiful species that normally bear two names, a botanical name, and the most commonly used, the name given by people. Some of these species are: the Anigozanthos bicolor or the Little Kangaroo Paw, Anigozanthos flavidus or the Tall Kangaroo Paw or the Anigozanthos gabrielae Domin or the Dwarf Kangaroo Paw. From these 3 species the tallest and most appreciated is the Tall Kangaroo Paw, which is normally located in the most western part of the Australian continent and it’s a flower known to adjust perfectly to all types of soil or to any weather conditions. When reaching its maturity the plant can grow up to 150 cm in height and its yellow to green flowering can be covered with dense hairs. Another example belonging to the Anigozanthos genus is the Pulcherrimus specie also known as the Yellow Kangaroo Paw, a flower of a medium size, smaller then the Tall Kangaroo Paw, but with amazing adaptability abilities. The plant can be found growing in the sand, its flowering is yellow and the most common place where it occurs is Perth, Australia.

      The Macropidia genus belonging to the same Haemodoraceae family is not as numerous as the latter described genus, that of Anigozanthos. The Macropidia genus has only one species called the Black Kangaroo Paw, and it’s botanically referred to as Macropidia fuliginosa. It has erect leaves in the form of a strap and its flowers bloom in late spring and summer. What’s amazing about this particular flower is its ability to reborn even after nature-caused fires.

      The Kangaroo paw plants belonging to the Anigozanthos genus are more successfully cultivated than the Macropidia fuliginosa, or the Black Kangaroo Paw, even though they are equally beautiful. The exoticness of such flowers can only instigate cultivators to try and grow their own in their private gardens.

Kangaroo paw Flower Pictures Gallery
