
      Belonging to the Lamiaceae family, the Lavender, or more scientifically the Lavandula genus represents a genus of flowers originating from the Mediterranean region or northern Africa. The type of climate specific to these regions is the most appropriate from Lavender to grow, even though nowadays cultivators have come up with solutions in order to cultivate Lavender worldwide, regardless the region, the climacterically challenged environments or even the soil conditions.

      This genus is known to give birth to annual or herbaceous flowers, or even to shrubs, depending on various conditions. Even though their originating place is represented by a Mediterranean climate, there weren’t few the cases when these flowers were found growing in the wild, in places and regions far from their needing conditions. Nowadays the Lavender is internationally cultivated in gardens, and if they occur in the wild they are easily pollinated, generating a quick spreading of this flower.

      The Lavender produces a blue to lilac flowering, which has even given birth to a color called lavender. People have embraced the name of this color and use it often to describe such a unique color as that produced by this flower.

      Renowned for its aromatherapy purposes, the Lavender emanates an unmistakable scent that has come to be used by perfume lines, cosmetic product companies, or just as decorative aromatic flowers kept in potpourris. Being one of the most cultivated species for commercial use, the Lavender is also known to be used at extracting oily substances of it, oils that are used in spas when performing massages, added in the water for the hot baths, and so on. The relaxing effect of the Lavender has been previously researched and scientists have accepted the benefic properties of this flower in our modern and beauty-oriented society.

      The aromatic and relaxing effect of this flower is not its only quality, as people use Lavender in creating culinary delights as well. In the Mediterranean regions people use Lavender’s nectar to produce honey, honey that is extremely appreciated in Europe, they use extracts of Lavender to produce oil, or to use it as a special ingredients when making goat cheese. Another usage of the Lavender involves its sweet taste, used at creating syrup for marshmallows or other culinary delights.

      Mostly used in defining the scent of a bath lotion or a body lotion, the medicinal purpose of Lavender is to relax and to alleviate stress and tension from your mind and body. Also, Lavender’s essential oil helps to treat headaches and even acne, but only when used according to the doctor’s advice and saintly respecting the administrating dosage.

      One of the most famous flowers of our times, the Lavender has found its respectful place in any garden, at any florist’s and in our homes, through the high amount of commercial products which base their formulas on Lavender.

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champs de lavande