Salvia Reflexa

      Also known as Mintweed, Lance-leaf sage, Narrow-leaf sage, Wild mint or the Rocky mountain sage Salvia reflexa is a part of the family Lamiaceae or the Mint family and has, if crushed, a strong mint smell that makes it easier to recognize.

       The leaves, usually measuring 2 inches, are sustained by an erect or ascending stem, are lanceolate and the stalks are 1/5 to 4/5 inch long. One of the main characteristics of the leaves is the hair that makes them seem as made of red velvet.

      Salvia reflexa has, not only a beautiful smell, but also beautiful pale mauve flowers, 12 mm long that are usually grouped in pairs. If trying to describe the flower, you can say it looks like two lips, the lower lip being longer than the upper one. The blooming period of Salvia reflexa begins in October and ends in May.

      Salvia reflexa is widely known for its use in treating several external or internal diseases such as: bronchitis, asthma, indigestion, excessive sweating, diabetes, tumors or infected wounds. It is also used with the purpose of revigorating the organism after a stressful period or in order to keep the natural color of the hair and maintain its shine. In cases of sensitive skin or teeth that are not white and shiny, it is also recommended to use Salvia reflexa.

      Another important role of Salvia reflexa, known even from ancient times, is in maintaining young the memory as it has an antioxidant effect on brain cells. Because of this, Salvia reflexa is also used in treating Alzheimer.

       Some species of Salvia have been even banned in some places and America is one of them. Salvia divinorum, the only species having this effect on the human body, is not only considered a plant, but also a drug. If smoked, the most dangerous is the extract of leaves, as it can cause dramatic feelings such as fear or even captivity. Salvia divinorum has several ways of being administrated: by smoking, chewing or even drinking it by inhaling the hot vapors.

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