
      The spring flower Zinnia belongs to the Asteraceae family, or simpler to the Compositae family, considered to be the second family of flowering plants if taken under consideration the number of species. The Zinnia genus comprises of nearly 20 species that fall under the category of annual and perennial plants, all of them with varying flowering structures, from a sole row of petals to a rich flowering bouquet. The colors are also exquisite, as Zinnias occur on intense colors such as orange, red, lilac and yellow.

      The originating region of the Zinnia is considered to be the southern American continent, even though the flower was registered to occur even in warm climates of Northern America. Mexico represents Zinnia’s home country, as it provides it with the warmest and most benefic of environments.

      The flower is known to be highly cultivated and very popular amongst the flower lovers. Cultivators have managed to create hybrids of the Zinnia flower, maintaining the delicacy and beautiful nature of the original flower. People regard this flower as being exotically beautiful, which justifies the fact that it has become to be amongst the best-selling flowers of today’s society.

      The fertile soil helps the correct cultivation process of the Zinnia, along with high temperatures and full sunlight exposure. The Zinnia is not a flower to be protected from the sun, because even excessive sun exposure could not harm it. The plant reacts normally to the climate conditions provided by its originating environment and so, full sun is only seen as normal and needed for the proper developing of the Zinnia.

      The most famous species of Zinnia are Zinnia elegans and Zinnia linearis, both of them occurring mostly in Mexico. The Zinnia elegans can reach up to 1 meter in height and the opposite is represented by 15 cm, while the Zinnia linearis resembles more with a bush, with rich foliage and producing flowering white, orange and yellow, colors more intense and delicate than those produced by Zinnia elegans. The best quality of the Zinnia elegans is its foliage, whereas what impresses people at the Zinnia linearis it’s its exquisite flowering.

      The pollination process is usually performed by butterflies and other insects attracted by the scent that the Zinnia flower emanates. The flower was brought to Europe in 1613 and it bears the name of a famous botanist, member of the Berlin Academy, on his name of Johann Gottfried Zinn. The famous botanist was also known for being the first person who took the time to study and offer back to his generation and to future generation as well a full and descriptive anatomical documentation on the human eye.

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