Canna Flaccida

      Belonging to the Canna genus, Canna flaccida Salisb usually grows in wetlands, especially in those of South-Eastern USA. It can reach a height of 1.5 m and when it comes to frosting, Canna flaccida is very sensitive. Having hermaphrodite flowers, Canna flaccida has as blooming period from August to October.

      It is an aquatic species with yellow flowers and narrow blue-green leaves. The process of flowering takes place in the afternoon and the flower fades the next day as the sunbeams come in contact with it. This is a feature of the Canna flaccida Salisb, as all the other species bloom early in the morning and survive at least one day.

       The Canna genus has been divided into several groups such as: Foliage group, Crozy group, Italian group, Australian group, Premier group, Variegated group, Aquatic group, Miniature group and the Agriculture group. The Canna flaccida is known as being the parent of the Italian group.

      The Italian group, characterized by large, fragile staminodes includes several species such as: Canna Allemania, Canna American Flag, Canna Austria, Canna Burbank, Canna Burgundia, Canna Italia, Canna Mrs Kate Gray, Canna Partenope, Canna Phasion, Canna Red King Humbert, Canna Roma, Canna Trinacria Variegata, Canna Uncle Sam, Canna Wyoming and Canna Yellow King Humbert.

      Canna flaccida has as growing environments those with moist soil, rich in organic matter and if the soil is a dry one, the plant can go through severe transformations that can cause death. Even though the plant enjoys cooler climates, the rhizomes have to be removed and kept indoors after the first frost.

      Because of the variety of colors depending on the species, Canna flaccida is a great ornamental flower, allowing the person that cultivates it to joggle with them in order to obtain a great visual impact.

      Even though the plant is not very sensitive and has almost no pests problems, it can sometimes be affected by Canna leaf rollers or Brazilian skippers.

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